After 10 years the ex DEA construction site begins. Gruppo Dimensione the construction of the new PAM
After 10 years of bureaucratic process, work began to complete the demolition of ex Dea building, in Moncalieri, Turin 70 Street. The contractor of the works is Newedilopera Srl, which in 2006 bought the Torino Street land in front of the cemetery for 18 million euro. A clear cut with the past, to finally write a different future, instead of the former factory will rise four four-storey buildings, numerous housing units and a share of commerce linked mostly to a supermarket that will be managed by the PAM chain, Italian company of the Large Distribution, present on the national territory with 109 supermarkets.
All the activity related to the commercial plexus, about 10 000 square meters, of which most destined to PAM supermarket, will be carried out by companies of the Gruppo Dimensione which from Grugliasco has been operating for over 35 years in Italy and in the world, thanks to the synergy of internal skills, able to perform complex integrated works. Specifically, Dimensione SpA will realize the structural works, masonry, windows and metal carpentry, while 3C. Impianti Srl, mechanical systems.